Feel confident in your fitness!

Personal Training

Your most personalized training experience.

If you’re…

~ Ready to start your fitness journey, but aren’t sure where to begin.

~ Not seeing the progress you expected.

~ A gy, junkie with a fun goal you want to hit, like your first 5k!

Personal training can help YOU achieve your goals.

Small Group Training

Working out is more fun with friends!

Strength training doesn't need to feel intimidating or confusing.
We've brought together the personalized programming of Personal Training
and combined it with the community of group fitness.

Small Group Training will help you feel more confident as you build strength
in the gym. our experienced and empathetic coaches will help to push you
while ensuring that your form is pristine. 

Groups are capped at four people to create a safe and intimate setting for you to explore new exercises and ask any questions along the way!

Group Classes

All sweat, no stress.

If you love the energy of NYC group fitness, but still want to feel like you’re getting personalized attention, our group classes are for you!

Our group classes are limited to 8 people and our experienced coaches always
put form first, ensuring that your safety is paramount.

Group classes are a great way to get your workout in while also making
some new friends in the city!

Online Program

Workout with us from the comfort
of home, or on the go!

We know that going to the gym can be extremely intimidating.
If you’re feeling confused about which exercises you should be performing, what correct form is supposed to look like, or how to use the equipment — you are not alone.

Our online programs are designed by our head coach, Jane VanderVoort, with the goal of fitting seamlessly into your lifestyle. Whether you’re trying to get strong at home, or want some extra guidance at the gym, you’ll find exactly what you need in our online programs.

Workout with us!

About Movement & Mindset

We help people get physically and mentally stronger.

At Movement & Mindset, our dream is for everyone to feel confident in their fitness journey. We believe that fitness doesn’t have to be intimidating – it should be fun, accessible, and easy to integrate into your life.

By providing our clients with experienced and empathetic coaches, we are able to create a safe space for people to improve their lives, both physical and mental, through fitness.

Are you ready to get started? We’d love to work with you!

Movement & Mindset
health first fitness.